The Importance of Dog Obedience Training


Dog obedience training is not just an option; it is a necessity. If you own a dog or puppy, you have to train it to obey. There are many valid reasons for doing so, and it is equally important that you understand why a dog must obey.  Dogs Need Pack Leaders When you train a dog to obey you, you are establishing a clear cut boundary that tells the dog that you are its "

13 November 2019

2 Kinds Of Medical Service Dogs


When people think of service animals, they only tend to think of guide dogs for the blind. However, that's just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many other kinds of service animals out there and they can do all sorts of things.  Cancer-Sniffing Dogs One thing that medical service dogs can do is to help sniff out cancer. Generally, the dogs are trained to only sniff out one or two kinds of cancer.

29 May 2019