What To Expect With Dog Obedience Training


As a dog owner, one of the most important things you can do for your beloved pet is to provide obedience training. Not only does it create a stronger bond between you and your dog, but it also teaches them the necessary skills to be well-behaved and safe in various situations. Here is what you can expect with dog obedience training, the benefits it brings, and when it becomes necessary.

16 October 2023

Dock Diving For Dogs: Making A Splash With Canine Aquatic Fun


Dock diving is an exhilarating and popular canine sport that allows dogs to showcase their jumping and swimming abilities. Whether your furry friend is a natural water lover or you want to introduce them to a new and exciting activity, dock diving provides an excellent opportunity for dogs to make a splash. Keep reading to learn more about dock diving for dogs. Competition Categories Dock diving has since evolved into a competitive sport with various organizations hosting events worldwide.

26 May 2023

Is Your Reward System Getting In The Way Of Dog Training?


You've been trying to train your dog for months, but nothing seems to be working. No matter how many treats you give them, they still can't seem to master that trick or stay focused during a walk.  If this sounds familiar, it might be time to take a look at your reward system. The way you're rewarding your dog could be either helping or hurting their training efforts. This article breaks it down for you.

3 April 2023

4 Signs Your Australian Shepherd Could Benefit From A Behavioral Dog Training


According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, over a third of households in the United States own at least one dog. Without question, canines can make excellent companion animals, and Australian Shepherds are a popular breed. This breed can be a lot of fun, but they can also be protective, helpful, and even valuable for working purposes on your farm.  While Australian Shepherds definitely make good pets, not every dog is immediately a well-behaved animal from the time it moves in with a new owner.

2 February 2023